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Ernie Higa, Godfather of Japan’s Pizza Delivery Market, Reflects On The History of Food Delivery

Welcome to another episode of The Coral Capital Podcast, a show about startups, technology, and venture capital with a focus on Japan and Asia broadly.

In this episode, we chat with Ernest M. Higa, Founder of Domino’s Japan, and essentially the godfather of pizza delivery in Japan.

In this episode we discuss:

  • How and why Higa started Domino’s in Tokyo four decades ago.
  • The assumptions people had about the Japan market
  • How the consensus at the time was that Japanese didn’t like cheese! (hard to believe now)
  • Online ordering in the early days of the internet, and how Higa paved the way for others
  • The future of food delivery and dining

Tune in on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts.

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Founding Partner & CEO @ Coral Capital

James Riney

Founding Partner & CEO @ Coral Capital

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